Outils personnels

Drakkar Ocean

Coordination of high resolution global ocean simulations and developments of the NEMO modelling framework.

This is a legacy site!

The annual DRAKKAR workshops Grenoble continue. Find information on the meetings on DRAKKARXXXX.scienceconf.org  (with XXXX for the year): 


DRAKKAR was initiated in 2002 as a scientific and technical coordination between French research teams (LEGI-Grenoble, LPO-Brest, LOCEAN-Paris), MERCATOR-ocean, NOC Southampton, IFM-Geomar Kiel, and other  teams in Europe and Canada.

Find here the last report: The Drakkar team, Drakkar International Research Network 2014-2017 report. 

The aim of DRAKKAR was to propose, to design, carry out, assess, and distribute high-resolution global ocean/sea-ice numerical simulations based on the NEMO platform (www.nemo-ocean.eu) performed over long periods (five decades or more), and to improve and maintain a hierarchy of state-of-the-art ocean/sea-ice model configurations for operational and research applications. This effort was motivated by the need for better numerical simulations of the ocean state and variability over the past decades, in order to address e.g. the following issues: what are the mechanisms that drive the interannual to decadal oceanic variability? what are the relationships between the variabilities of water masses and the circulation? what is the impact of boundary currents, eddies and small scale processes on the large scale circulation and its variability? By exploring global models at increasing resolution, DRAKKAR prepared the ocean components for future Earth system models.

For many years DRAKKAR maintained the ORCA025 (1/4° global) configuration and developed the ORCA12 (1/12° global) configuration. Reference simulation hindcasts over the last 40-50 years were made available to users.

Although the DRAKKAR networks no longer functions as a formal (nor funded) entity, the annual workshops in Grenoble, organized by the DRAKKAR international scientific committee, contribute to the initial objectives of DRAKKAR - and more!
